北京现代室内乐团(Ensemble ConTempo Beijing)成立于2011年5月,是中国第一支集中西乐器为一体的当代室内乐团。乐团以推动中国现代音乐发展、推介中国现代音乐创作、提升中国现代音乐演奏水准、促进中国与国外现代音乐文化交流为宗旨,以不断发掘与培养中国新音乐创作及演奏人才为己任,志在成为中国和世界作曲家、演奏家紧密联系的纽带。同时,乐团编制纳入中国乐器,其本身所具有的传统文化积淀也得以在“现代音乐”的全球语境中得以进一步展现,中国传统器乐的文化价值与艺术高度也将在全球范围内获得更深入的理解、反思、重视与重现。


Established in May 2011, the Ensemble ConTempo Beijing is the first contemporary ensemble in China which combines Chinese traditional and Western Instruments. ECTB is aimed to boost the development of Chinese modern music and promote the interflow between China and other countries; detects and cultivates excellent Chinese contemporary com- posers and performers. It would become a significant link that ties musicians of the entire world. The Chinese traditional culture can be exemplified on the con- temporary music of global context and the cultural values of Chinese traditional instruments will also be deeply understood, reconsidered and recreated. Since it’s founding, ECTB has been invited to perform at renowned festivals and outstanding venues, such as the Schleswig-Holstein Musikfestival in Germany (2012), The XXXVII Music in Old Cracow Festival in Poland (2012), TONLAGEN 2012 – the Dresden festival of contemporary music in Germany, Tongyeong International Music Festival 2013 in Korea, DingYi Chinese Chamber Music Festival inSingapore(2013),II Festival de Musica, UNAM- CCOM: La Musica Tradicional y Contempornea de China in Mexico (2015), had got highly praise. The concerts of ECTB was broadcast on Deutschland Rundfunk and the Norddeutscher Rund- funk ( NDR).

Ensemble ConTempo Beijing has performed over 80 new contemporary works, 27 of them are world premiere.